Thursday, April 28, 2011

Priority Inheritance Protocols: An Approach to Real-Time Synchronization

Difference between semaphore and mutex

A good deeper insight with the following highlights:

1) Mutex can only be used to lock and unlock a shared resource or critical section. But, semaphore can also be used for signalling too.

2) Mutex can be unlocked only by the task itself. But, semaphore can be signalled from any other task.

3) Mutex has built-in implementation to avoid priority inversion. But, semaphore do not implement. Though binary semaphore is equivalent to mutex, it can not avoid priority inversion.

Monday, April 25, 2011

What is Hypervisor?

Perl for the day: Conditional construct

use strict;
use warnings;
if($#ARGV + 1 < 1) {
    print "Vaadaa\n";
else {
    print "Podaaa\n";

What is Last Level Cache (LLC)?

You must have heard of L2 cache which is nothing but Level 2 cache. The next level, that is Level 3 cache in Intel processors is called as Last Level Cache. In multi-core Intel processors, the LLC is shared not only between each CPU core, but also between the GPU(Graphics processing unit) core. With ring bus structure, LLC shortens the access latency for CPU and GPU cores.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Real Time Operating Systems - A comparison

Perl for the day: Assigning variables

use strict;
use warnings;

# scalar

my $number = 72;
my $strin = "kutti";
my $cha = 'a';

# array

my @arr = (34,56,78,90);
my @sarr = ("amm ", "app ", "tha ", "akk ", "mam ", "kul ", "jai ", "all ");
my @carr = ('a','b','c','d');

print $number,"\n";
print $strin,"\n";
print $cha, "\n";

print $arr[3],"\n";
print $sarr[4],"\n";
print $carr[3],"\n";

print @sarr[4, 5, 6],"\n";
print @carr[0, 1, 2, 3],"\n";

Self-Employment for Embedded Engineers

Nobody can predict how the future will be. In case an embedded engineer losts job, what he can do? Better be prepared of the following skills.

1) Assemble a computer - Start a shop to assemble and to sell computer, laptops at affordable prices
2) Electronic embedded kit sales - Sell electronic components to build small electronic projects and advanced electronic development kit for projects of college students
2) Online tutor to teach embedded technology

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Hyper-Threading technology

Intel Hyper-Threading Technology causes a single core to appear as two logical processors, allowing the OS to schedule two threads simultaneously.

Introduction is follows:

More technically as follows:

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Embedded Systems Expo(ESEC) 2011

Japan hosts Embedded Systems Expo-2011 from 11-May-2011 to 13-May-2011 at Tokyo Big Sight. Embedded Technology is exhibited under the following zones. The first four zones have been introduced newly.

  1. Power Electronics
  2. Android development
  3. Wireless energy transfer
  4. Digital signage devices
  5. Embedded board computer EXPO
  6. Voice recognition and Text-to-speech
  7. Test and verification
  8. Embedded Image and video processing
  9. Motion control
  10. Wireless communication
  11. Touch panels and displays
  12. Design and development services/Consulting
  13. Embedded Training

Boot Linux from USB device without affecting Windows in hard disk

When you need a Linux system for testing or development, no need to go for a separate Linux PC. Just boot your windows PC as Linux box.
(in Japanese)

RTC magazine digital issue for March 2011

Download the digital edition at the following link and update your embedded knowledge.


  • Like "optimizing for speed", new trend of "Optimizing Code for Power" has been introduced in debugging and development tools. Debugger profiles the power consumption in correlation with source code.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

3D video cameras occupy the market

3D video cameras from Sony, Panasonic occupy the market.

Thunderbolt: Apple and Intel`s new Interface

Thunderbolt is Apple and Intel`s new interface to compete with USB 3.0. Thunderbold is 10 Gbps speed against with 5 Gbps USB 3.0.

Read in detail:

Friday, April 8, 2011

International Consumer Electronics Show(CES) 2011: A look

T-Kernel corresponds to Multicore (MP T-Kernel)

KOZOS Real Time OS by Japanese Engineers

Japanese Engineers develop Real Time OS called KOZOS as a hobby and for learning purpose by themselves.

ARM Cortex-9 based Xilinx Platform Zynq-7000 released


  • Extensible processing platform which means the processing core (ARM`s Dual core Cortex-9 MPcore) is fully integrated and hardwired, using standard design methods, and includes caches, timers, interrupts, switches, memory controllers, and commonly used connectivity and I/O peripherals.
  • Extensibility is enabled by the use of high-bandwidth AMBA-AXI (Advanced Extensible
    Interface) interconnects. In other words, custom accelerators and peripherals can be integrated through programmable logic.